Some Nokia Secret Codes

Some Nokia Secret Hack Codes

Hey friends, today i will share with you some Nokia hack codes. These codes provide some interesting and unique information to Nokia Phone users, some of these codes unlock hidden functions. Secret hacks code are mainly beneficial in knowing your device properly. What else you can do just from calling and messaging from your mobiles.

Universal Nokia Hack Codes: 

These are called universal because these hack codes works on almost all Nokia mobile phones.

*#06#     Displays the IMEI (Standard GSM command, works on all phones)
Information you get from the IMEI-

    TAC       FAC     SNR      SP
*TAC = Type approval code
*FAC = Final assembly code
*SNR = Serial number
*SP    = Spare

*#0000#      Displays the firmware version and date
Information you get from the Software revision-

*1ST Line  = Software revision
*2ND Line = The date of the software release
*3RD Line = Phone type 

*#92702689# *#war0anty#  Here you can view the S/N and the IMEI as well as the life timer (newer models). The date the phone left the factory and the date it was purchased. If your phone has been repaired the date of the repair is also visible. You will need to turn the phone off to exit this menu. Newer phones simply require you to press ok.


The following codes are specific to older series Nokia(40 series)  Mobile phones:
Entering the following codes will restart the phone.

Note: If main code doesn't work try the alternate one given in brackets for each code. As on some devices standard code works and in some alternate only might work.

*4720# (*hra0#) Activates Half Rate, Half Rate is 5.6kbit/s and uses half the bandwidth at the cost of call quality. Network operators often activate half rate on overloaded towers during peak times to save costs.

#4720# (#hra0#) Deactivates Half Rate

*3370# (*efr0#) Activates Enhanced Full Rate, EFT attempts to match wire quality. The calls are 12.2kbit/s and are not supported by all operators. It is compatibale with the hightest AMR mode.

#3370# (#efr0#) Deactivates Enhanced Full Rate

*#746085685# (*#sim0clock#) Display the SIM clock status


The following codes are phone specific or phase related.

*#7220# (*#pca0#) Activate the GPRS PCCCH support (Packet Common Control Channel)

*#7230# (*#pcd0#) Deactivate the GPRS PCCCH support

*#7760# (*#ssn0#) Display the manufacturing serial number

This only works on the 3310 and 3330:

*#67705646# (*#opr0logo#) Clear the operator logo, the logo will be reset to the default network operator logo.


The following codes work on newer series 40 & series 60/80 phones:

*#2820# (*#bta0#) Display the Bluetooth MAC address (Phone must have a built in bluetooth adapter)

*#7370925538# (*#res0wallet#) Reset the mobile wallet (Phone must have the mobile wallet feature)

*#7370# (*#res0#) Soft-format the memory (Symbian)

*#7780# (*#rst0#) Reset to factory defaults, confirmation required (also known has a Hard-format), all phone contents will be wiped clean including contacts and sms if they are stored on the phone.

#From the hackingloops

How To Search On Google Like Elite Hackers

Learn To Use Google Like An Elite Hacker

People think Google's popularity is because its simple and fast searching interface but friends, its more popular because it has rich operators and query support that will make your searching experience even better.
Without wasting much time lets get started

Google operators:

Google operators are classified into two basic categories:

1. Basic Google Operators like and, or, not etc.

2. Advanced google operators like inurl, intitle etc.

I am also including bonus search queries that are extremely useful for hackers. 

Basic Google Operators:-

1) And (+) :- This operator is used to include multiple terms in a query which is to be searched in google.

example:- if we type "hacker+yahoo+science" in google search box and click search, it will reveal the results something which are related to all the three words simultaneously i.e. hacker, yahoo and science.

2 ) OR (|) :- The OR operator, represented by symbol( | ) or simply the word OR in uppercase letters, instructs google to locate either one term or another term in a query.

3) NOT :- It is opposite of AND operator, a NOT operator excludes a word from search.

example:- If we want to search websites containing the terms google and hacking but not security then we enter the query like "google+hacking" NOT "security".

Advanced Operators:-

1) Intitle :- This operator searches within the title tags.

Description:- intitle:hacking returns all pages that have the string "hacking" in their title.

intitle:"index of" returns all pages that have string "index of" in their title.

Similar operator:- "allintitle".

2) Inurl :- Returns all matches, where url of the pages contains given word.

Description:- inurl:admin returns all matches, where url of searched pages must contains the word "admin".

Companion operator:- "allinurl".

3) Site :- This operator narrows search to specific website. 

Description : It will search results only from given domain. Can be used to carry out information gathering on specific domain.

example:- will find results only from the domain

4) Link :- This operator allows you to search for pages that links to given website.


Here, each of the searched result contains asp links to

5) Info :- This operator shows summary information for a site and provides links to other google searches that might pertain to that site.


6) Define :- This operator shows definition for any term.

example:- define:security

It gives various definitions for the word "security" in different manner from all over the world.

7) Filetype :- This operator allows us to search specific files on the internet. The supported file types can be pdf, xls, ppt, doc, txt, asp, swf, rtf, etc..

example:- If you want to search for all text documents presented on domain then we enter the query something like following.

" filetype:txt"

Other Popular Search Terms

  • For searching active webcams online:
In Google Search Box type :-
"Active Webcam Page" inurl:8080
Description- Active WebCam is a shareware program for capturing and sharing the video streams from a lot of video devices. Known bugs: directory traversal and cross site scripting.

  • For accessing the deleted messages on forums:
In Google Search Box type:- 
"delete entries" inurl:admin/delete.asp
Description- AspJar contains a flaw that may allow a malicious user to delete arbitrary messages. The issue is triggered when the authentication method is bypassed and /admin/delete.asp is accessed directly. It is possible that the flaw may allow a malicious user to delete messages resulting in a loss of integrity.

  • For searching personal information of person:
In Google Search box type :- 
"phone * * *" "address *" "e-mail" intitle:"curriculum vitae"
Description- This search gives hundreds of existing curriculum vitae with names and address. An attacker could steal identity if there is an SSN in the document.

  • For searching secret financial spread sheets:
In Google Search box type :- 
intitle:"index of" finance.xls
Description- Secret financial spreadsheets 'finance.xls' or 'finances.xls' of companies may revealed by this query.

  • In Google Search box :- 
intitle:"index.of" robots.txt
Description- The robots.txt file contains "rules" about where web spiders are allowed (and NOT allowed) to look in a website's directory structure. Without over-complicating things, this means that the robots.txt file gives a mini-roadmap of what's somewhat public and what's considered more private on a web site. Have a look at the robots.txt file itself, it contains interesting stuff. However, don't forget to check out the other files in these directories since they are usually at the top directory level of the web server!

  • For locating admin directories of websites:
In Google Search box type :- 
Description- Locate "admin" directories that are accessible from directory listings.

  •  For searching proxies online:
In Google Search box type :- 
inurl:"nph-proxy.cgi" "start browsing"
Description- Returns lots of proxy servers that protects your identity online.

Some Ways To Hack Or Deface Websites Online

Six Ways To hack or Deface Websites Online

What are basic things you should know before website hacking?

First of all everything is optional as i will start from very scratch. But you need atleast basic knowledge of following things..

1. Basics of HTML, SQL, PHP.

2. Basic knowledge of Javascript.

3. Basic knowledge of servers that how servers work

4. And most important expertise in removing traces otherwise you have to suffer consequences.

You can learn the basics of html, sql, php and javascript from a a good website like:

And for the fourth point that, you should be expert in removing traces. It will be explained in future articles. So keep reading.. or simply subscribe to my posts..
As we know traces are very important. Please don't ignore them otherwise you can be in big trouble for simply doing nothing. so please take care of this step.









First of all what is SQL injection? 
SQL injection is a type of security exploit or loophole in which a attacker "injects" SQL code through a web form or manipulate the URL's based on SQL parameters. It exploits web applications that use client supplied SQL queries.

The primary form of SQL injection consists of direct insertion of code into user-input variables that are concatenated with SQL commands and executed. A less direct attack injects malicious code into strings that are destined for storage in a table or as metadata. When the stored strings are subsequently concatenated into a dynamic SQL command, the malicious code is executed.


Cross site scripting (XSS) occurs when a user inputs malicious data into a website, which causes the application to do something it wasn’t intended to do. XSS attacks are very popular and some of the biggest websites have been affected by them including the FBI, CNN, Ebay, Apple, Microsft, and AOL.

Some website features commonly vulnerable to XSS attacks are:
  • Search Engines
  • Login Forms
  • Comment Fields
Cross-site scripting holes are web application vulnerabilities that allow attackers to bypass client-side security mechanisms normally imposed on web content by modern browsers. By finding ways of injecting malicious scripts into web pages, an attacker can gain elevated access privileges to sensitive page content, session cookies, and a variety of other information maintained by the browser on behalf of the user. Cross-site scripting attacks are therefore a special case of code injection.


Remote file inclusion is the most often found vulnerability on the website.
Remote File Inclusion (RFI) occurs when a remote file, usually a shell (a graphical interface for browsing remote files and running your own code on a server), is included into a website which allows the hacker to execute server side commands as the current logged on user, and have access to files on the server. With this power the hacker can continue on to use localexploits to escalate his privileges and take over the whole system.

RFI can lead to following serious things on website :
  • Code execution on the web server
  • Code execution on the client-side such as Javascript which can lead to other attacks such as cross site scripting (XSS).
  • Denial of Service (DoS)
  • Data Theft/Manipulation


Local File Inclusion (LFI) is when you have the ability to browse through the server by means of directory transversal. One of the most common uses of LFI is to discover the /etc/passwd file. This file contains the user information of a Linux system. Hackers find sites vulnerable to LFI the same way I discussed for RFI’s.

Let’s say a hacker found a vulnerable site,, by means of directory transversal he would try to browse to the /etc/passwd file: ../../../../../../../etc/passwd

Will explain it in detail with practical websites example in later sequential classes on Website Hacking.


Simply called distributed denial of service attack. A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely. In DDOS attack we consumes the bandwidth and resources of any website and make it unavailable to its legitimate users.


Its not a new category it comprises of above five categories but i mentioned it separately because there are several exploits which cannot be covered in the above five categories. So i will explain them individually with examples. The basic idea behind this is that find the vulnerability in the website and exploit it to get the admin or moderator privileges so that you can manipulate the things easily.

Note : This Post is For Educational Purpose Only

#From the hackingloops

Tips To Help You Master Programming Faster (Part 2)

  • Publish code : If you keep a private journal and write the sentence "The car green is", you may keep writing that hundreds of times without realizing its bad grammar, until you happen to come upon the correct way of doing things. If you write that in an email, someone will instantly correct you and you probably won't make the mistake again. You can speed up your learning 1-2 orders of magnitude by sharing your work with others. Its embarrassing to make mistakes, but the only way to become great is to trudge through foul smelling swamp of embarrassment.

  • Use Github.: The term version control used to scare the hell out of me. Heck, it still can be pretty cryptic. But version control is crucial to becoming a great programmer. Every other developer uses it, and you can't become a great programmer by coding alone, so you'll have to start using it. Luckily, you're learning during an ideal time. Github has made learning and using version control much easier. Also, Dropbox is a great tool that your mom could use and yet that has some of the powerful sharing and version control features of something like git.

  •  Treat yourself : Build things you think are cool. Build stuff you want to use. Its more fun to work on something you are interested in. Programming is like cooking, you don't know if what you make is good until you taste it. If something you cook tastes like dog food, how will you know unless you taste it? Build things you are going to consume yourself and you'll be more interested in making it taste not like dog food. 

  •  Write English : Code is surprisingly more like English than like math. Great code is easy to read. In great code functions, files, classes and variables are named well. Comments, when needed, are concise and helpful. In great code the language and vocabulary is not elitist: it is easy for the layman to understand. 

  • Be prolific : You don't paint the Mona Lisa by spending 5 years working on 1 piece. You create the Mona Lisa by painting 1000 different works, one of them eventually happens to be the Mona Lisa. Write web apps, iPhone apps, Javascript apps, desktop apps, command line tools: as many things as you want. Start a small new project every week or even every day. You eventually have to strike a balance between quantity and quality, but when you are young the goal should be quantity. Quality will come in time. 

  • Learn Linux : The command line is not user friendly. It will take time and lots of repetition to learn it. But again, its what the world uses, you'll need at least a basic grasp of the command line to become a great programmer. When you get good at the command line, its actually pretty damn cool. You'll appreciate how much of what we depend on today was written over the course of a few decades. And you'll be amazed at how much you can do from the command line. If you use Windows, get CYGWIN! I just found it a few months ago, and it is much easier and faster than running virtualized Linux instances.

That's it, go get started !

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition

Learn to invent your own computer games with python

"Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python" teaches you computer programming in the Python programming language. Each chapter gives you the complete source code for a new game and teaches the programming concepts from these examples. "Invent with Python" was written to be understandable by kids as young as 10 to 12 years old, although it is great for anyone of any age who has never programmed before. This second edition has revised and expanded content, including using the Pygame library to make games with graphics, animation, and sound.

User Reviews
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn to program and has no previous experience. 

The structure of the book allows you to learn critical programming and pythonic concepts by creating fun games that keep you interested and wanting more. 

For starters, each concept that is introduced is explained thoroughly and in a way that is easy to understand. 

About the Author
Albert Sweigart (but you can call him Al), is a software developer in San Francisco, California who enjoys bicycling, reading, volunteering, computer security, haunting coffee shops, and making useful software. He is originally from Houston, Texas. He finally put his University of Texas at Austin computer science degree in a frame. He is a friendly introvert, an atheist, a cat person, and fears that he is losing brain cells over time. He laughs out loud when watching park squirrels, which makes people think he's a simpleton. His childhood Nintendo habit led him into programming and all the joys that come of it.


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